
20+ Ways YOU can fight inflation, make your money go further and get prices under control.

YOU are the one who can defeat inflation. You’ve probably heard the endless debates about who’s to blame for inflation—Biden, Trump, the war in Ukraine, the global energy and banking systems or the fact that they are raising the minimum wage… 

These factors undoubtedly play a role, but there’s a larger, often overlooked culprit: our relentless consumerism and waste.

In today’s consumer-driven world, the allure of buying stuff and consuming is hard to resist. Paying for convenience when you could do it for half the price and 2 minutes extra of your time…

Sure, a brand-new car, the latest fashion, a shiny new gadget—they are nice to have and when we make these purchases, they give us a temporary thrill. We have to look better than ‘The Joneses,’ too right?…and I haven’t even begun to talk about all the stuff we waste!

fight inflation

Every dollar you spend is you exchanging your life to increase someone else’s profits…

Let’s put it in perspective: if you’re earning $100 an hour, or roughly $200,000 a year, every $100 you spend is an hour of your life. But what if you’re making $25 an hour? That same $100 expenditure now represents four precious hours of your time.


This concept of “time for money” is crucial to understand as we navigate an economy where corporations are recording record profits by raising prices under the guise of inflation.

It’s time to take a closer look at where our hard-earned money is going and how we can make smarter choices to preserve both our financial resources and our time.


Listen, I am not against a company making money. What I am against making money when no additional value is created when prices are increased. Unfortunately, that seems to be going on. Under the guise of inflation, corporate profits are skyrocketing. If inflation was really the problem, then this dynamic wouldn’t be happening.


What is really going might actually be Price Gouging! Companies are out to make as much as possible for themselves as possible…


Of course, if someone has a business and their customers are willing to pay more, it is smart business to charge more money every time. If you aren’t, you are leaving money on the table…

Its time to say “Screw ‘EM!” It is time to reduce consumption and get prices under control. 

Here is the best part if you join me in this mission…


It can free up your time, get you healthy, put more money into your pocket and give you the excuse you need to have experiences you may never thought you needed!


In this article, I am going to discuss 20+ ways YOU can take a stand against inflation and this belligerent price gauging the world is experiencing. If you can adapt even just a couple of these ways in your own life, it will make a difference while sending a message to those who look to profit off us that ‘we the people’ demand more value for the money we have from our hard work.

When it Comes to YOUR STUFF

1) Repair Instead of Replace...

In today’s consumer-driven world, the allure of buying new is hard to resist. A brand-new car, the latest fashion, a shiny new gadget—these purchases give us a temporary thrill. But let’s face it, that feeling of newness fades quickly, and what are we left with? A lighter wallet and a growing pile of stuff.


Consider this: every time you choose to repair instead of replace, you’re not just saving money, you’re taking a stand against the relentless cycle of consumption that fuels corporate profits at the expense of our wallets and the environment. That old car you’re thinking of trading in? It could have years of life left with a little TLC. And those timeless pieces in your wardrobe? They’re not just stylish; they’re a testament to the enduring value of quality over quantity.


My mother lives in the house my grandparents bought in 1959. Guess what, she has the same couches in the sitting room that they bought way back then. No, they don’t look the same – my mother has reupholstered them to give them a stylish modern look. They have lasted over 60 YEARS!


So, the next time you’re tempted by the latest and greatest, remember that the true cost of that shiny new object isn’t just the price tag—it’s the opportunity to break free from the grip of planned obsolescence and make a choice that’s better for your finances and the world.

2) When you do buy or replace, do it with Quality...

Continuing from the idea of repairing instead of replacing, let’s think about the psychological satisfaction that comes from buying quality items. Don’t you receive a certain pride and joy in maintaining and preserving things that are well-made and meaningful? Take, for example, my mother’s couches. They’ve been in our family since my grandparents bought them in 1959. Over 60 years later, they’re still part of our lives, not because they’re indestructible, but because they were crafted with quality and care and they’ve lasted. When they started to show their age with their “Jetson’s” look, my mother didn’t toss them out; she reupholstered them, giving them a modern look giving them their timeless essence.


This approach isn’t limited to furniture. Think about a pair of well-crafted boots or a classic suit. We’re more likely to resole those boots or tailor those pants than to discard them because they represent more than just material objects; they embody a sense of durability and style that transcends fleeting trends.



Now, let’s talk about the concept of “planned obsolescence“, a business strategy where products are designed to have a limited lifespan, compelling us to buy new ones frequently. This practice is not only wasteful but also a drain on our finances. I mean, doesn’t it seem like appliances don’t last like they use to? The refrigerator bought in 1980 will be around after 10 bought today are “dead and buried…”



However, there are companies that defy this norm, offering products meant to last a lifetime or BEYOND… 



Take Cutco knives, for example. American made and sold by college kids on summer break, they come with a ‘forever guarantee,’ ensuring that they can be fixed or replaced for generations to come. This means if you buy one of these (even used!), you will never need to buy another. Just send it to Cutco and they will repair, sharpen and even refurbish it!


By choosing products like these, we’re not just making a purchase; we’re making an investment in items that can be part of our lives and our children’s lives, reducing the constant cycle of buying and discarding. I bought the “10×8 kitchen set” in 1992 and they still slice through my steak like butter…



Investing in quality items, that are a joy to own and use, is a powerful way to combat the throwaway culture that fuels inflation and corporate profits. When you buy products like these, and not cheap “made in China” crap that lasts a couple years, you make a statement that you value craftsmanship, sustainability, and the long-term over the quick and disposable. 



So, the next time you’re faced with a choice between a cheap item that will soon need replacing and a higher-quality item with lasting value, remember that the real cost isn’t just in the price tag—it’s in the impact on your wallet, your environment, and your legacy.

3) Buy second-hand: Shop for used items to save money and reduce demand for new products.

Following the theme of making smarter choices with our spending, let’s explore the world of second-hand shopping. As the saying goes, “One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure,” and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to finding value in previously owned items.


Estate sales, thrift stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army, and online platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist are treasure troves for those looking to save money and reduce their environmental footprint. These places are filled with items that have plenty of life left in them, often at a fraction of the cost of buying new.


By shopping second-hand, you’re not only getting a great deal, but you’re also cutting out the middleman. This means more money stays in your pocket and the seller’s, rather than going to large corporations that contribute to the cycle of overproduction and consumption. It’s a win-win situation: you save money, and you help prevent perfectly good items from ending up in landfills.

I figured this out back in 2005 when I bought a pair of $800 dollar Ferragamo shoes for $100 of of eBay. All they needed was a $30 heel replaced (took me 30 minutes at the shoe repair guys and about $50) and I saved $600 for a pair of shoes nobody knew were previously owned! You know know if you see me in them but that’s cool…


So, the next time you’re in need of something, consider checking out a local estate sale or browsing through online classifieds before heading to a big-box store. You might be surprised at the treasures you can find, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a positive impact on both your wallet and the planet.

4) Share or borrow tools

Moving on to another way to curb unnecessary spending and reducing your “stuff’, let’s talk about tools. Sure, Home Depot, Lowes and Value Home Centers loves it when you buy their stuff but before you rush out to buy that new power drill or table saw for a one-time project, consider this: sharing or borrowing tools from friends or neighbors can save you a significant amount of money and reduce waste.


I recently experienced the results of this first hand when someone close to me passed away. As we sorted through his belongings, we discovered an astonishing array of tools in his garage—saws, vices, welding equipment, and more. It was 10’s of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment, most of it in pristine condition, as if it had never been used. I don’t recall him ever mentioning these tools, let alone using them. They were just sitting there, collecting dust.


This experience made me realize how easy it is to accumulate things we don’t need or use. It’s a stark reminder of how our desire to own can lead to wastefulness.


So, the next time you need a tool for a DIY project or a home repair, consider reaching out to your community first. Borrowing, sharing or even renting these items not only keeps more money in your pocket but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and resourcefulness. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in reducing consumption and waste.

5) Learn basic repairs: Save money by fixing simple issues around the house yourself

Building on the idea of borrowing tools, let’s talk about DIY repairs. Even if you consider yourself “all thumbs”, you’d be surprised at what you can fix around the house with a little guidance. Not only can this save you money, but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment and independence. It also frees up handymen, which there aren’t enough of, to do bigger more complicated jobs which means they won’t have to charge you their going rate to drive to your house for 10-minutes of work!


Here are three resources to help you get started on how to DIY…:


  1. YouTube: The internet is a treasure trove of “how-to” videos. A quick search on YouTube can provide step-by-step tutorials for everything from fixing a leaky faucet to patching a hole in the wall. The visual guidance is especially helpful for those who are new to DIY repairs.


  3. Workshops: Many local hardware stores, like Home Depot and Lowes, offer free or low-cost workshops on basic home repairs and maintenance. These workshops provide hands-on experience and the opportunity to ask questions in a supportive environment. Talk to them about their tool rental programs while you are there too…


  5. DIY Books and Online Forums: There are countless books and online forums dedicated to home repairs. These resources can provide detailed instructions and tips from experienced DIYers. Websites like or forums like DIY Chatroom are great places to start.


While it’s empowering to handle repairs yourself, it’s also important to know your limits. For more complex or potentially dangerous jobs, it’s wise to hire a professional. The cost of a mistake could far outweigh the savings of doing it yourself. So, tackle those small repairs with confidence, but don’t hesitate to call in the experts when needed.

When it Comes to YOUR FOOD

Food is more than just sustenance; it’s medicine (or poison), it’s culture, and it’s a vital part of our daily lives. 


However, the journey of food from farm to table is often longer and more costly than we realize. The average meal travels hundreds, if not thousands, of miles before it reaches our plates, incurring not just financial costs, but also environmental ones. This complex journey contributes to the overall price we pay for our food, both in terms of money and its impact on the planet.


Furthermore, the amount of food wasted is staggering. In the United States alone, approximately 40% of food produced is never eaten. This waste represents not only a loss of valuable resources but also a missed opportunity to feed those in need. By being more mindful of our food choices and habits, we can reduce waste, save money, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable food system. All this will fight inflation!


In this section, we’ll explore various ways to make smarter decisions about our food, from choosing locally sourced produce to minimizing waste in our kitchens. By taking these steps, we can improve our health, reduce our environmental footprint, and make a positive impact on our wallets and the world.

6) Plan meals ahead: Reduce food waste and save money by planning your meals for the week and eat at home

I understand that after a long day at work, the last thing many of us want to do is spend hours in the kitchen preparing a meal. It’s tempting to swing by the local Publix, Wegmans, or Albertsons and pick up one of those ready-to-cook meals. Convenient, yes, but have you ever stopped to consider the price you’re paying for that convenience? These meals often come with a 300-400% price increase compared to buying the ingredients separately. It’s a classic case of grocery stores capitalizing on our lack of planning and reluctance to put in extra effort.


But here’s the thing: with a little bit of planning, you can break free from this cycle. By dedicating an hour or so each week to plan and prepare your meals, you can save yourself multiple trips to the store and a significant amount of money. Imagine cutting out 2-3 hours of shopping each week and keeping that hard-earned cash in your pocket instead of handing it over for overpriced convenience.


Meal planning doesn’t just benefit your wallet; it also saves you time and will reduce food waste. When you plan your meals, you’re more likely to use all the ingredients you buy, rather than letting them spoil in the fridge. There is just something about wanting to make the most of what you put the effort in to create…


It’s a win-win-win situation: you save money, save time, reduce waste, eat better and take a stand against the exploitation of our natural tendency to seek convenience.

So, take a moment to plan your meals for the week. It might require a bit of effort upfront, but the rewards are well worth it. Not only will you enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a smart choice for your health, finances and the environment.

7) Buy generic brands: Often cheaper than name brands, with similar quality

One of the simplest ways to cut your grocery bill and cut down on the effects of inflation, without sacrificing quality, is to opt for generic (store0 brands. When you buy a name brand, you’re not just paying for the product itself; you’re also paying for the marketing and advertising that goes into promoting it. This can include everything from TV commercials to celebrity endorsements, all of which drive up the price. I don’t really care if a celebrity like the cereal I eat, I just know I like it.


In many cases, generic brands offer the same quality as their name-brand counterparts, but without the hefty price tag. Sometimes, the only difference is the packaging. For example, the generic version of a cereal might not feature a popular cartoon character on the box, but the contents inside are virtually identical.


Personally, I’ve found great value in store brands from retailers like BJ’sCostco, and ALDI. These brands often provide the same taste and quality as name brands, but at a fraction of the cost. By making the switch to generic, I’ve been able to save a couple of hundred dollars a month on my grocery bills.


This doesn’t mean you have to buy generic on everything you buy. For example, there are “steak sauces” for at ALDI for 2.99 or A1 for $5.99; I’m spending the extra money for A1! You may have something yourself that there is no substitute…


Still, the next time you’re shopping, take a closer look at the generic options. You might be surprised at how much you can save without compromising on quality. It’s a smart move that can help stretch your budget further and reduce the impact of inflation on your wallet.

8) Buy in bulk: Purchase non-perishable items in larger quantities to save money in the long run.

There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from buying in bulk, especially when you know you’re getting a good deal. Stores like BJ’s and Costco are my go-to places for stocking up on non-perishable items. It’s not just about the thrill of navigating a shopping cart filled with oversized packages; it’s about the significant savings that come with buying in larger quantities.


Take peanut butter, for example. While the idea of a 55-gallon drum of peanut butter might be a bit extreme, opting for a larger jar over the standard 20 oz size can offer substantial savings. The key is to focus on items that you use regularly and that have a long shelf life. This could include everything from canned goods and pasta to toiletries and cleaning supplies.


However, it’s important to exercise some caution when buying in bulk. Avoid the temptation to purchase large quantities of items that you might not use or that could spoil before you get the chance to enjoy them. It’s not a bargain if it ends up going to waste.


By being strategic about your bulk purchases, you can stretch your budget further and reduce the frequency of your shopping trips. It’s a smart way to navigate the rising costs of living and keep more money in your pocket.

9) Freeze food: Avoid food waste by freezing meals and perishables for later.

In our quest to combat waste and save money, let’s not overlook the power of freezing leftovers and perishables. Have you ever noticed how stores sell pre-made burritos that you can just pop in the microwave? They’re convenient, sure, but they’re also a reminder that we can do the same thing at home.

Why not make large batches of your favorite meals and freeze them for later? This way, you can take advantage of buying ingredients in bulk, spend time cooking once, and enjoy delicious, homemade meals multiple times. I personally do this with chili, soups, and stir-fries. It’s a game-changer for busy weeknights or when you just don’t feel like cooking.

And it’s not just meals that can benefit from a trip to the freezer. Fruits that are about to go bad can be frozen and later used in smoothies, baking, or as a sweet, icy treat. It’s a great way to reduce food waste and ensure you always have something tasty on hand.

10) Buy local and food that are in season

The way we consume food has drastically changed since the days when everything was sourced locally. The advent of trains introduced the luxury of enjoying lobster and orange juice on journeys through Kansas, marking the beginning of a global food transport revolution. Today, it’s not uncommon for our food to travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles before it reaches our plates. In some cases, like with American chicken being processed in China and then shipped back, the journey is even more bewildering.


While this global network ensures a diverse selection of food year-round, it comes with a hefty environmental cost. The energy required to transport food across continents is staggering. However, by choosing to buy local and seasonal produce, we can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our meals.


In places like Florida, finding locally grown produce is a breeze, with something always in season. In cooler climates like Buffalo, the bounty varies with the seasons – cherries in June, blueberries in July, corn in August, and pumpkins and grapes in September; of course we freeze a lot and have it for months after the season. Too, while I’m not one for hunting, I’m always grateful for friends who share their excess venison, which makes for excellent tacos and there isn’t any thing quite like a fresh Lake Erie walleye pike fish fry either.


By supporting local farmers, eating seasonally and eating locally, we not only enjoy fresher, healthier, and more flavorful food but also contribute to a more sustainable and resilient food system. It’s a small step with a big impact, both on our environment and our communities and it when supply is plentiful, it will make a big impact on curbing the affects of inflation on our lives.

11) Grow and Raise Your Own Food...

In the midst of today’s inflationary pressures, it’s worth taking a page from our grandparents’ playbook. My grandmother, who lived through World War II, always maintained a garden. During those times, Americans were encouraged to cultivate “Victory Gardens” to free up industrial food production for the troops. Fast forward to today, and we’re facing a different kind of battle: the war on inflation. By embracing the spirit of the Victory Gardens, we can grow local and do our part in this fight.

If you have the space, consider growing a variety of vegetables around your home. Depending on your region, you might plant tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peas, or corn. But why stop at plants? Raising a few chickens, ducks, or turkeys can provide you with fresh eggs, which are not only delicious but also far more nutritious than what you typically find in stores. The rich orange yolks of locally raised eggs are a testament to their quality.


For those living in urban environments or without outdoor space, technology has brought gardening indoors. There are now innovative indoor gardening systems that allow you to grow cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and other vegetables right in your living room. These systems are not only a great conversation starter but also help purify the air in your home.


By growing and raising your own food, you’re taking a significant step towards self-sufficiency and sustainability. It’s a rewarding endeavor that pays dividends in the form of fresher, healthier food and a reduced grocery bill. So, whether you have a sprawling backyard or a cozy apartment, there’s a way for you to join the ranks of modern-day Victory Gardeners.


And just like cooking your own meals, there is something special about growing and eating the food you raised yourself…

Click the pictures below to learn more about these indoor gardens on Amazon

12) Think of Food as Medicine; Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle and Exercise Regularly

One of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle is the food we consume. By thinking of food as medicine, we can make choices that not only nourish our bodies but also help prevent future health issues. This is particularly relevant in the context of rising healthcare costs, which are a significant driver of inflation.


Eating local and growing your own food are excellent ways to ensure you’re consuming fresh, nutrient-rich produce. When you know exactly where your food comes from, you can avoid the pitfalls of processed foods laden with additives like high fructose corn syrup. While these processed foods might taste great and seem less expensive, their long-term impact on your health and finances can be detrimental adding to inflationary pressures since you need to consume more health services.


Of course, moderation is key. Enjoying a Big Mac occasionally won’t derail your health goals, but making it a habit can lead to problems down the road. By prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods and staying active, you’re taking proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of needing medical care in the future.


Regular exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. Not only does it help maintain a healthy weight, but it also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. By staying active and eating well, you’re investing in your health, which can save you money on medical expenses in the long run.


In essence, the choices we make today about our food and lifestyle can have a profound impact on our future health and finances. By embracing a healthier lifestyle, we can reduce the demand for medical services and, in turn, help curb inflation. 

13) Use a reusable water bottle: Save money and reduce plastic waste.

Let me share a little secret from my days in the water treatment business: the bottled water industry is not what it seems. Most companies simply extract groundwater, treat it with UV light and a filter, and then bottle it. The irony? The plastic bottles they use might even contaminate the water before you drink it.


Now that I’m no longer in the industry, I can say without fear of repercussion: bottled water is one of the biggest scams in history. It’s like something out of a Charles Ponzi playbook. The truth is, for most people, running tap water through a carbon filter to remove some organics and chlorine is all it takes to have water that’s not just cheaper but also better than what you’d get from a bottle.

Using a reusable water bottle and filtering your own water cuts down on energy consumption and waste. Think about it: no more trucks hauling water across the country, no more plastic bottles littering our environment. And from an economic standpoint, it’s a no-brainer. Why spend your hard-earned money on something that’s not only unnecessary but also less convenient and potentially worse for your health?


By opting for tap water and a reusable bottle, you’re making a smart choice for your wallet, your health, and the planet. It’s a simple change with profound impacts, reducing unsightly waste and helping to curb inflation by eliminating the need for a product that, frankly, we can all do without.

When it Comes to How you TRAVEL

Our insatiable appetite for energy plays a pivotal role in driving up costs across the board. From the fuel in our cars to the fuel used to get our goods to market, higher energy prices have a domino effect, increasing the price of everything. 


In this section, let’s explore how making smarter choices about how we get around and travel can not only save us money but also reduce our energy consumption. By embracing strategies like carpooling, using public transportation, and opting for walking or biking for short trips, we can lessen our impact on the environment and our wallets.

14) Bike or walk for short trips: Save on gas and get exercise by using active transportation

Picture this: on a beautiful sunny day, people hop into their cars, drive three miles to the gym, run six miles on a treadmill, and then drive back home, all sweaty….



Instead of just going for a six mile run!



It’s a routine many of us are guilty of, but have you ever stopped to think about the irony? We’re creatures of habit, and breaking the cycle of unnecessary driving for short distances can be a simple yet effective way to decrease demand for fuel and combat inflation.



If we’re serious about winning the war against inflation, we need to consider making what should be easy choices like biking or walking for short trips. We have to train our brains to slow down and take the time. In the long-run, it may this too will save us time while making cars and energy less since there will be less demand.



Imagine the impact if everyone replaced just one short car trip with ‘active transportation’ each week. Instead of getting from point A to B with gas, you can get there on a the energy from the Tacos or chicken wings you ate last night. You will be burning those calories to get in better shape. Being better shape will reduce your risk for illnesses, which reduces medical costs…


It is all connected…


Too, if everyone would do this just 6 miles a week, we could save hundreds of millions of gallons of gas every year and reduce our carbon footprint significantly.


If you work for an oil company, that probably doesn’t sound good. Sorry. I also understand not everyone is physically able to walk or bike, and that’s okay. But for those of us who can, being able to use your own power to get around is a luxury  you shouldn’t take for granted. I see people driving around in $100k cars who have beat their bodies up for the sake of making more money and can barely get out when they get to where they are going…


If you value money more than anything else, I guess that is OK but if you don’t, it is time to think differently. 


Whether it’s biking to the YMCA, walking to the sports bar to watch a game, or picking up a gallon of milk from the store, every little bit helps. I like to joke that I get about eight miles per taco when I bike to my favorite Mexican restaurant.


Beyond the financial savings, there’s a health aspect to consider. As I mentioned earlier, food is medicine, and so is exercise. By incorporating more physical activity into our routine, we not only save money but also improve our health, reducing the likelihood of needing costly medical care in the future. So, the next time you’re tempted to drive for a short trip, consider biking or walking instead. It’s a small change that can make a big difference.

15) Batch errands: Combine trips to save time and fuel.

We all know someone who seems to be constantly running back and forth to the store, the gas station, and various other errands, each trip punctuated by a return home. This piecemeal approach to errands is not only time-consuming but also hard on both your wallet and your vehicle. If only they could organize their errands into a single trip, they’d save time, reduce wear and tear on their car, and conserve fuel.


Batching errands is a simple yet effective strategy for anyone looking to cut down on unnecessary trips. By planning ahead and combining tasks into one outing, you can significantly reduce your fuel consumption and the wear and tear on your vehicle. This means fewer trips to the mechanic, fewer fill-ups at the gas station, and more time and money in your pocket.


For those who can’t opt for walking or biking, batching errands is the next best thing to reduce energy usage and fight inflation. Every trip you avoid is one less demand on your resources and the environment. So, the next time you find yourself with a list of errands, take a moment to plan and see how many you can combine. It’s a small change that can have a big impact on your budget and your contribution to reducing inflation.

16)Carpool to work: Share rides with colleagues to split the cost of commuting.

Driving alone to work offers a sense of freedom and independence, but it also comes with its costs and environmental impacts. While concerns about schedule flexibility are valid, carpooling presents a solution that can benefit everyone involved. Here are five reasons to consider sharing your ride:


  1. Cost Savings: Splitting the cost of gas and tolls can lead to significant savings over time.
  2. Reduced Wear and Tear: Rotating drivers means that no single car is subject to all the wear and tear of daily commuting.
  3. Environmental Impact: Fewer cars on the road mean lower emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.
  4. Less Traffic: Carpool lanes can make your commute faster and less stressful.
  5. Social Benefits: Sharing a ride can strengthen relationships with colleagues and make the journey more enjoyable.

Of course, there’s always the worry that someone might need to leave early or stay late. To address this, it’s important to establish a clear communication plan and have backup options in place. This could include an agreement to use public transportation or a ride-hailing service like Uber or Lyft in a pinch. The individual who knows they need to stay late or leave early that day could drive themselves too (i.e. – you don’t have to ride share everyday.


By approaching carpooling with openness and flexibility, you can enjoy the benefits of shared commuting while minimizing the drawbacks. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your wallet, your community, the environment and of course cut down on demand for gas a cars which will fight inflationary pressures for these expenses.

17) Use Public Transportation: Save on Gas and Car Maintenance

I have a fondness for the Washington Metro, which simplifies navigating the bustling streets of D.C. While not every area boasts such an extensive system, most places offer some form of public transportation, typically buses. It’s a misconception that public transit is only for those who can’t afford their own vehicle. 

I’ll never forget the picture of Sergey Brin, the billionaire co-founder of Google, riding a New York subway. If a billionaire can choose the subway over a limo (or even a helicopter) in a city like New York, it’s certainly a viable option for the rest of us.

Sergey Brin, billionaire as a founder of Google, riding a NYC subway

Embracing public transportation can be a liberating experience. Instead of battling traffic and road rage, you can immerse yourself in a book or scroll through your Facebook feed while the driver navigates the congestion. Many bus systems are equipped with bike racks, allowing you to cover the final stretch of your journey on “taco power.”


In other countries, public transportation is widely embraced, but in the U.S., the powerful oil and auto industries have convinced many that it’s inferior to car ownership, which they equate with individuality. However, you can choose to challenge this narrative. Opting for public transit, even occasionally, can save you money and contribute to reducing inflation. It’s a choice that benefits your wallet, your well-being, and the environment.

Fighting Inflation: When it Comes to your HOUSE & HOME

The choices we make about our homes, the products we use and our living arrangements play a pivotal role in the money we spend. Sometimes minor changes can make big differences over time. At other times, major life decisions can change your reality.


In this section, I will present some practical actions you can take to reduce energy consumption, make smarter product choices, and even have you reconsidering the location of your residence. By implementing some or all of strategies, you’ll not only contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle but also keep more money in your pocket helping you fight inflation.

18) Reduce water usage: look for simple ways to lower your water bill.

While it might not seem immediately obvious, reducing water usage is a crucial step in our fight against inflation. The process of making water suitable for human consumption, as well as treating it after it goes down the drain, involves the use of chemicals and energy. These resources cost money, and their consumption contributes to inflation. Even if you rely on a well and septic system, conserving water is important to prevent your well from running dry, which can lead to exorbitant costs for drilling a new, deeper well.


Here are a few simple actions you can take to reduce your water usage:


  1. Shut Off the Water: When showering or even soaping up your hands, turn off the water while you soap up. This small change can save a significant amount of water over time. I like this idea better than low flow shower heads because, when it is time to rinse, I want my shower to rinse me!
  2. Run Full Loads: Make sure your washing machine and dishwasher are full before running them. This maximizes their efficiency and reduces unnecessary water usage and energy.
  3. Use a Water Bottle in the Toilet Tank: Placing a filled 1-liter bottle in your toilet tank can reduce the amount of water used with each flush. Over time, this can lead to substantial savings on your water bill.

By implementing these strategies, you’re not only lowering your water bill but also reducing the demand for energy and chemicals needed to treat water, which in turn helps to fight inflation. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment. 

19) Use a clothesline: Air-dry clothes to save energy and extend their lifespan.

There’s no denying the comforting feeling of clothes fresh out of the dryer, but consider this: not all your laundry needs to endure the tumble. On pleasant days, take advantage of the natural breeze and sunshine by hanging your clothes on a line or using a drying rack outdoors. Not only does this save energy, but it also gives your clothes a refreshing outdoor scent.


For those less-than-ideal weather days, don’t fret. You can still use a drying rack indoors. The process of evaporation can actually help increase humidity in your home, a welcome benefit if you’re running the heat or air conditioning. This method is particularly beneficial for thicker items like jeans and jackets. By reducing their exposure to the harsh environment of a dryer, you’re not only conserving energy but also ensuring that your favorite pieces stay looking newer for longer.

Embracing air-drying is a simple yet effective way to cut down on energy usage and wear and tear on your clothes. In the long run, this practice can lead to fewer replacements and repairs, helping you keep inflation at bay. So next time you do laundry, consider giving your dryer a break and letting nature do the work.

20) "You Don't Live In a Barn..."

Growing up, whenever I left the door open on a chilly winter day, my father would exclaim, “Do you think we live in a barn?” His way of reminding me that leaving the door open was a waste of energy. Fast forward to today, and I find myself echoing similar sentiments to my kids, especially when I discover an empty bathroom with the lights on and the water running.


These everyday scenarios highlight a simple but powerful way to combat inflation: being conscious of energy waste. It’s not just about turning off lights when you leave a room; it’s about making small adjustments that add up over time. For instance, consider closing vents or shutting off outlets to areas of your home that aren’t in use to reduce the amount of heating or cooling needed. On sunny days, embrace natural light by opening curtains and blinds, not only to save on lighting costs but also to create a healthier living environment. If you have an indoor vertical garden, this natural light can even boost your vegetable and fruit yields.


By adopting these mindful habits, you’re not only conserving energy but also reducing your utility bills and fighting inflation. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most effective solutions are the simplest ones, rooted in the lessons we learned as children.

21) Do a home energy audit: Identify areas where you can improve energy efficiency and save money.

One of the most effective ways to reduce your energy bills and combat inflation is by conducting a home energy audit. This process involves a thorough inspection of your home to identify areas where energy may be wasted and to pinpoint opportunities for improvement.


During an energy audit, a professional auditor or a DIY assessment will examine various aspects of your home, such as insulation levels, window and door seals, heating and cooling systems, and lighting. They may use tools like blower doors to measure air leaks and infrared cameras to detect areas of poor insulation.


The results of the audit provide a detailed roadmap of actionable steps you can take to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. This might include adding insulation, sealing leaks, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, or simply changing your daily habits to conserve energy.


By addressing these areas, you’re not only reducing your own energy consumption and lowering your bills but also contributing to a broader effort to reduce demand for energy. In the long run, this collective action can help ease the pressure on energy resources and play a part in controlling inflation. So, consider scheduling a home energy audit as a proactive step towards a more sustainable and cost-effective living environment.

22) Think about Where You Live...

In recent years, there’s been a noticeable trend of people flocking to states like Florida, drawn by the promise of lower taxes and year-round warm weather. While the appeal is understandable, this migration has economic consequences. As more people move to these popular areas, the demand for housing and utilities surges, leading to increased costs and the need for new infrastructure.

But is following the crowd always in your best financial interest? In the battle against inflation, taking a contrarian approach to where you live can be a smart move. Consider my hometown of Olean, New York, for example. With a population of 14,000, it offers everything you need for a comfortable life: skiing in the winter, beaches on Lake Erie in the summer, and most importantly, affordable housing. A house in Olean can cost half of what you’d pay in larger metropolitan areas.

Cities like Olean are scattered across the country, often overlooked in favor of more popular destinations. Yet, these areas have existing infrastructure and are experiencing population declines, which means lower living costs and less competition for resources. It’s worth considering a move to such a location as a strategic move to stretch your dollars further.


In essence, if you want to make a wise decision for your finances, sometimes the best strategy is to observe what others are doing and do the opposite. By choosing a less conventional path, you can mitigate the impact of inflation and enjoy a more affordable lifestyle.

Fight Inflation In the US by Taking a Vacation

23) Is it time to travel abroad?

As I wrap up this exploration of ways to combat inflation, let’s shift gears and talk about how you can use your savings from implementing the strategies we’ve discussed to not only create unforgettable experiences but also continue to fight inflation here in the United States.


First, understand inflation occurs when there’s too much money chasing too few goods and services, leading to price increases. As I stated in the beginning, US companies are using this as an excuse to raise prices even more and create record earnings for themselves. So guess what? By taking money out of circulation here in the US, we can ease inflationary pressures. One way to do this is by spending our money abroad. Therefore, if you’ve been dreaming of an international vacation, now might be the perfect time to make it a reality. By taking your American dollars and spending them in countries like Panama, Iceland, or Morocco, you’re effectively transferring wealth from the U.S. economy into the economies of other nations.


This doesn’t just benefit you with rich cultural experiences and memories to last a lifetime; it also helps balance inflationary pressures at home. When the U.S. economy faces a recession and needs a boost, that’s when domestic spending becomes crucial. But in times of rampant inflation, venturing abroad and circulating your money in other economies can be a strategic move.


So, as you implement energy-saving practices, reduce waste, and make smarter spending choices, remember that the money you save can fund experiences that not only enrich your life but also contribute to a broader economic balance. It’s a situation that turns the tide on inflation and opens up a world of adventure for you!

In the End...

There are a lot of ways you can fight inflation and put more money in your pocket. Do you have any other ideas you would like to add? Leave a comment below and if you feel this article is something someone you know would enjoy, like and share it for them to read too.

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