
The Financial Freedom Process™

™From: Kevin Wenke CFP®,  Investment and Founder @ Decision Tree Financial


You looking for information because you want to know the best way to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM. That’s AWESOME because RIGHT NOW is the Best Time to ensure you’re making THE BEST DECISIONS With Your Money! You will hear me say all the time:


“The future you’ve always desired will be manifested by the decisions you make TODAY.”


Whether you are a young professional, small business owner, someone who has retirement on their mind or even someone who is getting ready to receive a substantial inheritance,  you want to make decisions with your money that put you in control of your future. 


This is where The Financial Freedom Process™ comes in. It’s my financial planning process that helps you exploit the rules of the financial game to benefit you in order to position yourself for success. 


Before I explain how The Financial Freedom Process™ can help bring action, direction, confidence, simplicity, and wealth into your life, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions…

Please Review and Answer “Yes” or “No” To Discover If The Process is Right For YOU…

If you said “YES” to ANY of these questions, it means you want more out of your wealth and want to learn new ways of managing it because you realize the “Status Quo” way of thinking has it’s limitations.

Therefore, I invite you to READ ON to learn about The Financial Freedom Process™ because it will have you saying “NO!” to settling for less than you deserve. 

ATTENTION: Everything Below Was Written To Explain

The Why, What, and How Of 

The Financial Freedom Process™


BUT, If you are impatient like me, YOU CAN scroll ALL THE WAY To The Bottom to see what it costs, review the FAQ’s or Sign Up for a Free 30-minute meeting to discover how the process can work for you… 

But Really, READ THE WHOLE LETTER…It Explains A LOT!

Money’s role in Creating the life you desire

Everyone desires a financial life that performs to its full potential.  They want…

  1. 1) Long-Term Wealth where their money is working for them allowing them to be financially independent allowing them to live the way they want  and take care of the people they love.  
  2. 2) Security to protect their wealth and their family so they never have to worry about starting over if undesirable and unforeseen events occur.
  3. 3) Confidence in knowing that what they are doing is the best way to create the life they desire.
  4. 4) To Create a Positive Lasting Legacy so people will think about them with a smile on their face, and they can feel good about living a life of significance.

Along the way they want to keep their finances organized, flexible and easy to manage. 


The Problem for so many is even after a lifetime of working their butts off, they don’t EVEN COME CLOSE TO achieving the financial life they desire. As a matter of fact many end up failing miserably.

And here’s Why…

Problem 1:  HOW People Make Financial Decisions is a Convoluted Mess.

There are numerous financial decisions people make during their lifetime. When they do make decisions, they tend to make them:

  • > One at a time,
  • > At different times,
  • > With different advisors,
  • > Under different circumstances…

They don’t stop to consider how all these pieces work together…

So all the financial decisions they make (and don’t make) are uncoordinated and inefficient.

For some, this misalignment is reckless causing  them to make bad decisions and spiral our of control!

For others, it causes them to freeze and do nothing out of fear of making a mistake while they hope it will all work out for the best. 

Inaction and bad decisions make it easy for others to take advantage and profit off of you leaving you with less than you deserve…


Let’s Face It…The Financial Industry and IRS Are OUT For #1. 

If you are not careful, you may be dealing with institutions that:

It feels like The Financial Industry and Government rig the Rules of the Money Game so that THEY are guaranteed success without regard for yours…

You need your own set of rules so these institutions don't take advantage of you! This way YOU CAN extract the maximum benefits from your money while taking the least amount of RISK needed to get them...

Problem 3: The "Financial Barbarians"...

In life, there is the potential to  experience a number of situations and unavoidable factors that, if left unaddressed, threaten to consume your money, your time and your focus…

I call them the "Financial Barbarians" and they include:

It’s Overwhelming… And Makes Your Financial Life



They Don’t Come Close to Achieving the Life They Set Out to Create…

Luckily There Is a Solution...


The Financial Freedom Process

A Holistic Dynamic Process To Coordinate Your Financial Life, Exploit the Rules of the Financial Games to Your Advantage and Be Happy


In the system, we address ALL areas of your financial life:

The Steps to Financial Freedom

Let Me SHOW YOU How This Works…

Step 1: We Determine
What Is Important About Money to You?

Values in Financial Planning

Financial Success requires a life-time commitment. Therefore, the VERY FIRST STEP is to determine “WHY” you want to be Successful with MONEY.


We want to get your values out in to the open because they are what drive you when making financial decisions. When we have them firmly rooted in your conscious mind, your moral compass will help you to make decisions you will be inspired to follow through on.

Step 2: Then, We Understand Your Current Financial Positions and The Future You Want To Live

The Financial Freedom Process™ is going to inspire you along on a lifetime journey of financial success.

An old Chinese proverb states “A journey of 1,000 miles starts with the first step.” 


To make that step count, we need to know where you are starting from and where you ultimately want to go so the action you take is efficient, meaningful and inspiring.


This is where we have you collect all your financial documents while we get you dreaming of the way you want your future to be to provide us direction on how to best get there.

It doesn’t matter where you start from as much as you a clear vision of where you want to be and the inspiration to take positive action to get you there. 

Step 3:
My Team and I Get To Work

We consider how your money comes into and out of your household

Cash Flow

Cash flow refers to the circulation of money in your household accounts (both earning and spending).  


Debt is often just a cost to your financial life and should usually be limited.  However debt can be used strategically to enhance well-managed strategies. Sources of Debt:


Full protection is critical for guarding against unforeseen events that can strike at any time and wreck your financial future.

Our objectives on the protection game board are to:

Next we look at SAVINGS

Cash reserves are needed as a safety net providing additional protection, liquidity, ability to work for a specific purpose or to be able to take advantage of opportunities.

The objectives of this  game board are:

Finally we look at GROWTH

The Growth Section is where we look to build long-term wealth and future income.

Investments in this section have a greater possibility of higher return balanced with probable decreased liquidity and decreased risk.  

The objectives of this game board:

During our analysis we are taking what you said was important so we can see where you are strong, where you are weak and how you can reorganize

to become:

Step 4: We Discuss Our Analysis and 

Begin CO-CREATING with you a 


It is all about developing recommendations with you 

based on sound principles that will help you:

This gives you clarity in your decision-making process creating efficiencies that will save you time and money. 

As a matter of fact, when you go through The Financial Freedom Process, your finances become so efficient that you get more out of what you have.  You can handle the Financial Barbarians and possibly have more money now and more money in the future!

All this to give you the Peace of Mind that your financial objectives can be met under many different future conditions.

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different, but our objective is to co-create strategies with you to have the greatest opportunity for:


Happiness and

Success Over Your Lifetime.

Step 5: Put Your Strategy Into ACTION

Now that we know WHAT to DOWE DO IT – and Implement the Strategies that are BEST FOR YOU!

Step 6: We Continue to Monitor Your Progress

The Financial Freedom Process is a dynamic process FLEXIBLE to CHANGE as your situation may over time. We will be there for you to go over how you are doing and make adjustments as needed.

Who Am I and How I Can Help You

My name is Kevin Wenke, and I am a Certified Financial Planner™ and owner of Decision Tree Financial.  Since 2003, I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of people all over the United States make better financial decisions. My Financial Freedom Process empowered them to accomplish more with their money.

I believe people have an abundance of opportunities open to them but don’t know the rules that allow them to capitalize on those opportunities.  My goal is to help make the unknown- known so the people I work with can make informed decisions to transform their financial life in a positive way

As an experienced Certified Financial Planner™ and Chartered Life Underwriter™ I have specialized knowledge and a fiduciary responsibility to help you get the most out of your financial resources.

Our Model looks at different categories of Protection, Savings and Growth.  Then coordinates your money to create efficiencies leading to greater wealth protection and accumulation.


How Much Does IT Cost?

Of course this isn’t FREE BUT, I also don’t want a excessive fee  to be a barrier for us working together. If you are worth Millions or Making Great Income and you want to use that money to start building wealth, the process is right for you. It will show you how to do “More with Less…”

I am so confident that my team and I can make such a HUGE impact on your financial life that I am willing to put my “money where my mouth is.” 

You Don’t Have To Pay Anything Right Now To Start!

Kevin Wenke Certified Financial Planner

Instead, You Can Get Strarted Right Now With A Free First Session!

The Financial Freedom Process is best understood through participation…


My goal for you by participating is to put more money in your pocket today, build wealth for tomorrow AND Protect Everything You Have Worked So Hard To Create.

So, in this first session, you can ask me anything you want to know about the process and tell me as much as you would like about yourself to make sure we are a right fit to work together. If it makes sense and feels right, then we will continue the process and really get to work putting you in the best position with your money.


This Can’t Be Free!


*The ANSWER IS THE fee will be determined after we meet, and I understand your complete situation. My typical structure is determined as a percent of income (0.5%) and assets (0.25%) with a minimum fee of $4,975.00.  

Before you go and say “OH MY GOODNESS THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY!”

I want you to know I will never Collect a fee…


if you are not 100% satisfied


NOT In a Better Financial position than before we met!

So the fee will seem like nothing or you will PAY NOTHING…

Plus, I only require a Deposit of $500 to continure the process after the first session…

What this means is that if we decide to work together and The Financial Freedom Process doesn’t live up to your expectations… 

…if it doesn’t give you the vision, clarity, focus, and peace of mind expected, then you won’t pay a penny more than you think it is worth!

No Questions Asked!

With this guarantee, you have EVERYTHING to Gain and  Nothing to Lose 

The last thing I want to have happen is you regret not finding out what The Financial Freedom Process is all about. I realize you may have worked with other advisors and that you may think think there isn’t much I will explain that will be different, but that would be another mistake.


There is nothing I love hearing more from my clients than comments life “So that is how that works” and “I never knew you could do that.” When I hear phrases like that, I know they have discovered something new and that new information is able to create a transformational shift in the way they approach money. 

I want to help everyone but unfortunately my time is limited. Therefore, take advantage of this offer and get on my calendar while you can to discover how the process can transform your life! I promise you will not regret it…

Special Bonuses for completing the Process!

Bonus #1

A Fully Written Comprehensive Financial Plan

Total Value : $5,000+

Understand first and foremost, I AM a Certified Financial Planner™ so of course, I am going to give you the service I am trained to provide…A WRITTEN  FINANCIAL PLAN.


Once you FINALIZE  the best course of action (with my support of course), the FINANCIAL PLAN is the written document you receive that provides you with the instructions on what you are to do and when you are to do them.


These plans are as few as 50 pages but can be more than 200 pages for more complex situations and they include information about:

Get this  For Completing 

The Financial Freedom Process*

Do you want to see a sample financial plan? Click here and I will email one right over to you!

Bonus #2

1-year of 

Advisory Fees Waived from 

Decision Tree Investment Advisors

Total Value : $10,000+

You want your money to grow and work for you … and, if you do choose to invest in a diversified portfolio, you may want to have a professional advisor managing your portfolio


The problem is the 1%+ fees advisors charge can reduce portfolio returns by 10%-20%… EVERY YEAR!

  • Making it worse, When your portfolio grows, so does the fee
  • And even worse, those fees are charged EVEN If YOUR ACCOUNT LOSES MONEY

When Investing for growth:


My investment models will diversify your money into 25-35 low-cost index funds that will give you participation in:

In this portfolio, I employ an investment strategy that systematically “Buy Low and Sell High” through “REBALANCING” so that profits are locked in and bargains are bought automatically.

Get this for 1-Year For Completing The Financial Freedom Process*

*After one year, the cost is 1% of the portfolios value…

I can offer my guarantee because I am confident you will have such a life-changing experience by participating in The Financial Freedom Process System that you will look back and say to yourself:

“I wish I had gone through this system a long time ago!”

This is Truly a Limited TIME Offer, So Claim Your Spot Now Before Someone Else Does…

Thanks for taking the time to read this entire letter and I can’t wait to see the transformation you will experience after you complete the design and implementation steps of The Financial Freedom Process.
Kevin Wenke
P.S.In case you are one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of a letter, here is the deal:
I am inviting you to participate in a process I call “The Financial Freedom Process” that will help you visualize the best ways to position your money for both performance and protection. 

I offer a FREE 30-Minute Introductory Consultation with me so you can ask questions and get to know me to see how the system will work for you. If we agree to work together, I charge a fee of 0.5% of your income and 0.25% of your assets, a minimum fee of $1,500. This fee is fully refundable as I guarantee that you will love the outcome or I will refund your money no questions asked!

In addition, as a bonus, You will also get  1-year of portfolio management in one of my core asset allocation portfolios as well as a written out financial plan that will give you the instructions on what you should do and when you should do each of the action items inside it. 
There isn’t a catch…there are no gimmicks…there won’t be a monthly charge and you won’t pay any fee if you don’t see yourself in a better financial position after you complete the system than where you were before we started.
My mission is to help people not worry about money so they can concentrate on living the life they want for themselves.
 If I am unable to help you achieve that goal, I will return 100% of the deposit too if you tell me you didn’t get anything out of what you learned during our time together…
So you have everything to gain and nothing to lose

I Want a Free 30-Minute "Zoom Meeting" With Kevin To
Learn How He Can Help Me Accomplish More!

Start Your Process Today!

Get On Kevin's Calendar Here...

Don’t See A Time That Works For You? You Can Contact me by texting 754-600-5995 and saying “Hi, my name is (your name) and I want to set up a time to have my free 1st session of The Financial Freedom Process.”

This will get you on our waiting list and we will text back when a spot opens up…

Do you still have more questions?

Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

That Will Be Able to Help

Unlike a lot of financial advisors who require their clients to reach a certain assets or income level before they can work together, I DO NOT. Instead, I work with people who have a certain “psychographic.” That means they want more out of their current financial situation and want to achieve financial security balancing both protection and long-term wealth-building strategies.
Typically, the people who enjoy working with me have already achieved a level of financial or professional success and want to be sure that their wealth is always there for them so it can continue working as efficiently as possible towards financial independence. If they have reached financial independence, they want to maintain and not worry about a personal or global financial crisis jeopardizing their lifestyle.
I am not the type of financial advisor who is going to help someone find the next hot investment idea that could either make or break them. My approach is methodical looking to take advantage of the rules that govern the financial system to my client’s advantage.
My job is to help you become wealthy if you aren’t already. If you are already wealthy, my job is to make keep you there and make sure you don’t lose it all and have to start all over again. 

The investment to participate in The Financial Freedom Process is based on 1) The total of Annual Income (i.e. – from a job, business, pensions, Social Security, and/or trusts) and 2) Your total Assets Value (such as the value of your businesses (if applicable), real estate holdings, retirement account balances, brokerage accounts, collectibles, etc.)

If you generate passive income from your investments and/or retirement account balances, the lesser of that income or the value of the asset is considered.

The amount is determined by taking 0.25% of your assets and 0.5% of your income. So, someone with $100,000 of income and $1,000,000 in assets should expect to invest $3,000.

($100,000 income x 0.5% = $500) + ($1,000,000 assets x 0.25% = $2,500) = $3,000.

The minimum fee to participate is $4,995. The Maximum Fee is $50,000 for the most complicated situations. 

To start the process only the initial deposit of $500.00 is required after the first meeting and the final cost of the system will be determined and agreed upon after all assets and incomes are disclosed.4,9

There are (2) Answers to this:

Generally speaking, the initial design it will take between 3 and 5 meetings to complete the system. Typical meetings are 90 minutes although some can be longer or shorter depending on the conversation we are having. Most of the work developing the plan is done behind the scenes when you are not there. My team spends an average of 22 hours organizing and developing our recommendations based on the input you provide.

The cool thing is that we perform most of our meetings ONLINE so that you do not have to travel to my office. You, and if you are married, your spouse and anyone else who should be part of the conversation can log into our online meeting room allowing you to participate from just about anywhere which saves you hours of travel time and expense.

This is a process and is therefore ongoing. We should meet at least yearly though many clients like to meet more frequently to make sure they are on course. For these meetings, I charge an hourly fee that can be between $400 and $200 an hour.

The Financial Freedom Process requires you (and your other advisors) and our team to work together and co-create a financial strategy that will help your financial life become more efficient and coordinated. In doing so, you will feel confident and will be successful building and maintaining your wealth while living free and doing more of what you want to do – when you want to do it!

If during the first 4 months of our working together you feel the process isn’t helping you towards that result and want to stop the process, any money you have paid to that point will be refunded and any remaining balance will not be invoiced!

Please understand, I became a financial planner in 2003 after I experienced what it is like to lose everything. I know how my knowledge, perspective and experience can help a lot of people but I also realize there are situations where I can’t help, so I’d rather return the money and help them find an advisor who can help them.

I do this so you understand there is no risk to get started.

Yes, Not showing up to the appointed time and not calling more than 2 times and I reserve the right to retain the fee. 

The Financial Freedom Process is an experience that will help you organize your financial life so that you can make the best financial decisions. 

You will receive a visual representation of your current financial position first. Then, together, we will explore different strategies through our model to find the best money moves you can make will put you in the optimal position to grow and protect your wealth.

I understand. It’s likely you are meeting me on the internet to start and you want to know who you are talking with and is he who he claims to be.

I encourage you to do a background check on me.

The easiest way is to confirm my designations; I am a Certified Financial Planner and a Chartered Life Underwriter.

To confirm my CFP status visit: and type in my last name.

The CFP board does annual background checks on Certified Financial Planners and requires CFPs to complete 30-hours of continuing education to maintain certification.

Learn more about what a CFP means at:

To verify my Chartered Life Underwriter status visit:

Everyone has different circumstances but The Financial Freedom Process is a comprehensive planning platform. In the system we will address the following:

  • Income
  • Debt
  • Taxes
  • Investments
  • Liquidity,
  • Risk Management and Protection,
  • Estate Planning
  • Business Continuation,
  • Your short – medium -and long-term goals.

I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER who is licensed as an investment advisor but I DO NOT SELL INVESTMENT PRODUCTS. 

I am also a mortgage loan originator (NMLS#1910000) and an insurance broker who represents over 500 different insurance companies offering life, health, property and casualty insurance products. When one of these financial product are the right solution, my team can assist you in finding the best solution. Compensation is disclosed and I typically reduce the remaining fee by any commissions received.

Additionally, I own Decision Tree Tax Advisors. We provide tax preparation services to a number of our clients.

NO!  If you have an accountant or attorney you consult with when making important financial decisions, we actually want them to be part of the process. The goal is to have EVERYONE you already like and trust be on the same page, not to replace your relationships!

If you do not have an attorney or accountant and you end up needing the type of services they provide, we can refer you to one of our valued partners who understands The Financial Freedom Process and the importance of a coordinated effort.

Most of my clients have a financial planner or investment advisor they already work with. 

They decide to work with me because, through The Financial Freedom Process, I use a unique and specialized process that really concentrates on your core values when it comes to money then focuses on visualizing cash flow to see the best money moves to make to accomplish your objective. This does a number of super cool things.

For one, It helps people increase their wealth building and income potential ON TOP of what they are already doing. This allows money to work harder for them so they can achieve their goals more efficiently. The cool thing is that I am usually able to do this without ANY REDUCTION IN YOUR CURRENT LIFESTYLE. As a matter of fact, your current lifestyle may even increase! 

This is the “Performance” part of the system.

This leads me to the second cool thing and that is the “Protection” portion of the system. Even though you are increasing your money’s ability to work more efficiently, I can do it so that you are taking significantly less risk than you are currently taking.

I am so confident I can make a huge difference in your financial life that if you go through the system and are not satisfied with the results it creates for your life, I refund 100% of the investment you made to participate in the system.

The Financial Freedom Process has a goal to make your financial life as efficient as possible. In order to do that, it is extremely important to have as much information about your current financial position as possible. 

You can download our “new client data sheet” here to see the types of information that can help us do the best job for you so you get the most out of the system.